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  • Investor Relations

Investor Relations

IWROBOTX group of companies has been experiencing impressive growth over the years. In 2020, we achieved a growth rate of x, followed by x.1 in 2021. Continuing this upward trajectory, our growth skyrocketed to 6x in 2022 and 4x in 2023. These remarkable numbers are a testament to our dedication and commitment to excellence.

If you're interested in learning more about our investment processes or becoming a part of our vision, we encourage you to get in touch with us. We believe that collaboration and partnerships are instrumental in driving innovation and growth, and we welcome individuals and organizations who share our vision for success.

As for our investment areas, we focus on the IT sector for resort hotels, providing cutting-edge solutions tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, we are actively involved in the RTLS sector, offering state-of-the-art tracking systems for the next generation.

Reach out to us today to discover how we can collaborate and together, shape the future of these industries.